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Article: Motorcycle Tours: Tips for a Successful Group Ride

Motorcycle Tours: Tips for a Successful Group Ride

A motorcycle ride with your friends can seem like the one of the most enriching experiences in life, and it is, but if things aren’t planned properly, a group ride can end up become a not-so good experience. Therefore, if you are thinking of venturing out on a group ride with your riding buddies on the coming weekend, here are a few do’s and don’ts we suggest you stick to keep things safe and fun.

Plan Your Route

If you are riding with a bunch of new people or riding in an unexplored area, it’s always a good idea to chalk out the route. The next step in this process is making sure that all the members on the group ride know of this route. This helps keep all members of the ride on the same page. If you don’t plan your route, chances are somebody will get lost and at the very least, everyone will have to help look for them and that’s not a fun thing to be doing instead of riding.

Planning your route will also make you aware about the local geography and better plan for the obstacles on your ride. For example, if you are riding in a remote area, chances are, you won’t find a whole lot of food and water stops along the way. In such circumstances, it is always better to have pre-determined waypoints which all riders should adhere to. You should also keep a note of the nearest hospitals, police stations, embassies and other such important landmarks - just in case.

Get the Right Gear

If you have planned your route right, you should know the kind of weather you will be riding in and it is instrumental that you wear the right riding gear in such scenarios. It goes without question that you should be decked in protective gear from head to toe. However, if you are going to be riding through a lot of rain, you need to make sure your gear is waterproof. Or, if it is going to be cold outside, you should get liners that will keep you warm. Alternatively, if you are going to be riding in hot weather conditions, make sure you have gear that provides good ventilation and can accommodate a hydration bag.

Know Thy Riders

This is another important step when putting together a group ride. When we talk about knowing your fellow rider, we are not just talking about knowing their names or what motorcycles they ride. Instead, at least one member, preferably more, should know everyone’s names, have a list of everyone’s emergency contacts and blood group at the very least. In the case of a mishap, readily available emergency information can often be the distinguishing factor between a favourable outcome and a not-so favourable one.

Know How To Work On A Motorcycle

Knowing how to ride a motorcycle well and knowing how to fix one are two completely and while the former will take you places, it’s often the latter that will get you back to tell the story. If you are venturing out on a group ride, chances are, someone’s motorcycle will develop a problem. In the middle of nowhere, it can sometimes become a problem sourcing spares or finding someone who knows how to work on a motorcycle. So, carry the most common spares likes fuses, rubber hoses, and anything else on your motorcycle that has a habit of going bad. For those of you that ride on spoked wheels and a tube setup, carry a spare tube. And most importantly, you should know how to implement these fixes yourself and have the tools to do so.

Also Read: History of Cafe Racers and the Dress Code


Group rides have the potential to be a lot of fun, but only if they are planned right. An unplanned group ride will become an annoyance at best, and a liability at worst, and both are things you didn’t want when you started riding in the first place. So, keep the above points in mind before venturing out on your next joyride with a bunch of other motorcyclists.

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